@MASTERSTHESIS{ 2021:840389025, title = {Towards a multi-level crowd simulation model}, year = {2021}, url = "http://tede2.pucrs.br/tede2/handle/tede/9820", abstract = "In general, crowd simulation models have pre-defined level-of-detail, be it microscopic, microscopic or a combination of two models, like hybrid models. Macroscopic models offer a trade-off between simulation accuracy (or individuality of agents) and simulation complexity, when compared with microscopic models. Hybrid models try to offset this trade-off by defining regions in the environment to be simulated with each strategy, defining regions of more or less importance. The present work focuses on models capable of shifting level-of-detail dynamically. We propose BioClouds and Legion, which are novel macroscopic crowd simulation models, introducing the concept of space discretization and competition to macroscopic crowd simulation. The Level-Of-Detail Urban Simulation framework is a framework to describe cities with a dynamic level-of-detail which contains two modules, a city generation tool and a population mobility simulation module. The present work presents the LODUS population mobility simulation, which uses a crowd simulation approach to solve the task of simulating population mobility. We propose three use cases for the population mobility simulation: a urban mobility scenario, public transportation and disease spreading. We performed experiments to qualitatively assess emergent behavior for the urban mobility scenario.", publisher = {Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul}, scholl = {Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação}, note = {Escola Politécnica} }