@MASTERSTHESIS{ 2018:623337498, title = {Semidefinite programming solution to the analysis and control problem of a torpedo shaped autonomous underwater vehicle}, year = {2018}, url = "http://tede2.pucrs.br/tede2/handle/tede/9063", abstract = "This work proposes a semide nite optimization solution to the analysis and control of a torpedo shaped Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV). The AUV is best described as a nonlinear system and a quaternion representation was used to represent rotations in space. The system is described by means of the Di erential Algebraic Representation (DAR) which group the nonlinearities in an auxiliary vector, then a convex optimization problem subject to a set of constraint functions in the form of Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMI) ensures local exponential stability of the system attitude. A control design strategy is proposed in order to compute gain K of the closed loop system in three di erent scenarios in order to investigate the impact of the size of region X and the error of system identi cation at the size of region of attraction.", publisher = {Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul}, scholl = {Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica}, note = {Escola Politécnica} }