@MASTERSTHESIS{ 2019:1276475549, title = {An analysis of motivations and affordances for knowledge sharing on airbnb}, year = {2019}, url = "http://tede2.pucrs.br/tede2/handle/tede/9022", abstract = "There are many ways, channels or mechanisms within sharing economy platforms for users to assemble in ideological community-binding that possibly encourage internal motivations to engage in filesharing and knowledge sharing activities. The affordance concept underlines how each technology or media, such as social media or Web 2.0 tools, affords users with unlike modes of reading, writing and utilizing several combinations of means, which might be useful when research for knowledge sharing within sharing economy context. Moreover, there are no studies meeting these three topics together: Sharing Economy, Knowledge Sharing and Affordances. In this context, there is need to understand how users’ motivations and affordances for knowledge sharing affect the usage of the Airbnb. This dissertation aims to identify and analyze users’ motivations and affordances that impact knowledge sharing in Airbnb. In order to attain this goal, I used mixed methods composed by fourteen interviews and 101 answers of a survey. Results show Enjoyment, Self-efficacy, Reciprocity and Altruism – all intrinsic motivations – have a positive impact on knowledge sharing in Airbnb, while Reputation and Social Influence – both extrinsic motivations – are not meaningful related to knowledge sharing in the platform studied. It was also investigated motivations for Airbnb usage, such as Electronic word-of-mouth and trust / lack of trust, and they were also positively associated with knowledge sharing throughout Airbnb as well as to users’ decision-making processes. Moreover, Association, Visibility, Persistence, Editability, Connectivity, Interactivity affordances were found to have a positive impact on knowledge sharing while Reviewability, Network-informed association and Generative role-tanking were not meaningful to knowledge sharing within Airbnb. Furthermore, by meta-analysis, I formulated sixteen propositions, which constitutes the theoretical contribution to guide further investigations using Airbnb or similar platforms. As for practical implications, this study can help sharing economy managers to improve their platforms as well as helping IT developers that can learn from those affordances that impact on knowledge sharing in order to apply them when creating social platforms and apps.", publisher = {Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul}, scholl = {Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração e Negócios}, note = {Escola de Negócios} }