@PHDTHESIS{ 2017:1399372775, title = {An adaptative approach for ontology alignment visualization}, year = {2017}, url = "http://tede2.pucrs.br/tede2/handle/tede/7471", abstract = "The increase in the volume of unstructured web data in recent decades has been driven by the arising of new media, devices and technologies. In this context, the Semantic Web was developed, whose objective is to provide a layer of knowledge representation to that data, facilitating the treatment by automated processes. Ontologies are key elements of the Semantic Web, providing a description of the concepts and relationships between them, for a specific domain. However, ontologies of the same domain may differ in structure, granularity or terminology, requiring a process of matching between them to be performed, producing a set of correspondences between semantically related entities (alignment). A growing number of matching approaches have emerged in the literature, and the need to evaluate and qualitatively compare the produced alignments is presented. Tasks that make use of alignments started to demand better graphical representations for it. In this context, a survey was conducted with alignment specialists to identify the most important aspects in an alignment visualization. This work presents an adaptative approach for alignment visualization, that allows users to choose how and what to visualize, according to their own preferences or the task being performed at that moment (creation, manipulation, evaluation, etc.). Finally, a prototype was built with the purpose of validating the solution. The results obtained from the prototype validation with users show that the approach handles the problems it proposes to solve, with a margin for future work on alignment visualization.", publisher = {Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul}, scholl = {Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação}, note = {Faculdade de Informática} }