@MASTERSTHESIS{ 2020:2039502236, title = {Characterizing the combined use of agile, user-centered design and lean startup a case study of two software teams}, year = {2020}, url = "http://tede2.pucrs.br/tede2/handle/tede/9783", abstract = "Despite the claimed benefits of an agile transformation, user involvement and added value are still reported as challenges in software development. The combined use of User- Centered Design and Lean Startup with Agile is argued as an alternative to minimize these challenges. Given this scenario, this Master Thesis aims to characterize the combined use of these methodologies and also to understand how the transformation of a combined approach into a multinational company takes place. We also point out the benefits and challenges to undergo through such transformation. This qualitative research was composed of two studies: a Systematic Mapping Review and a Case Study with two teams from the financial area of the multinational company. The first one has the purpose of identifying studies that report the use of the combined approach. The second study aims to characterize the use of the combined approach in a multinational company. The results of the systematic mapping revealed that only a few studies report on the use of the combined approach. Moreover, none of these studies report on the transformation strategy in a multinational context. Aware of this gap in literature, the conducted case study details how the combined approach transformation process took place in a multinational company. We identified the company’s strategy to conduct the transformation, for instance, to establish a dedicated team to lead the process; and also a set of initiatives defined to help the teams in transformation to go through the adoption of new practices and of a new mindset. Additionally, the study provides the combined approach characterization including the elements (e.g., roles, activities, techniques, ceremonies) which comprises the teams’ daily work in the use of the approach. The study also provides a list of benefits and challenges of such adoption. The more significant contribution of this research is the combined approach characterization through the transformation process. This research provides new insights for the area, filling in the lack of knowledge on these specific topics, as mapped in the literature review.", publisher = {Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul}, scholl = {Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação}, note = {Escola Politécnica} }