@MASTERSTHESIS{ 2020:318293175, title = {The influence of decision-making quality on innovation portfolio agility : a case study using the dynamic capabilities approach}, year = {2020}, url = "http://tede2.pucrs.br/tede2/handle/tede/9395", abstract = "Portfolio agility is one way to achieve a broader organizational agility, as it represents the extent to what a firm is able to adapt its portfolio of projects to changed conditions. Portfolio agility is a dynamic capability that seems to be highly mediated by the quality of the decision-making process, which, in turn, represents the degree that portfolio management decisions are made in a transparent, stable, comprehensible, and rigorous manner. To date, academics focused mostly on methods for selecting and terminating individual projects, lacking studies investigating the entirety of the decision-making process and how it can influence portfolio agility. In order to support the investigations on these fields, a limited number of researchers started adopting the Dynamic Capabilities framework as it seems to represent a powerful approach to analyze how the quality of the decision-making process can influence the portfolio agility capability in turbulent and changed competitive conditions. This research analyzes the influence of the quality of the decision-making process on innovation portfolio agility through the use of the Dynamic Capabilities framework. Counting on document analysis, twelve interviews, and seven direct observations in innovation committees, this is a case study in a multinational firm with innovation portfolios distributed in three different countries. Results of this study leads to the conclusion that high quality decision-making processes for portfolio management can slow down decisions for the benefit of assertiveness, that well-structured decision-making processes can decrease power- and opinion-based personal styles of decision makers, and that turbulence may decrease the conformity to formalities, which, in turn, decreased the quality of the decision-making process. In terms of practical contributions, managers and practitioners can benefit from this research by understanding the conditions required to develop higher quality decision-making processes and portfolio agility.", publisher = {Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul}, scholl = {Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração e Negócios}, note = {Escola de Negócios} }