@PHDTHESIS{ 2019:1887188334, title = {A framework for reasoning and dialogue in multi-agent systems using argumentation schemes}, year = {2019}, url = "http://tede2.pucrs.br/tede2/handle/tede/8650", abstract = "One of the most important aspects of multi-agent systems is communication. Among the communication techniques in multi-agent systems, argumentation-based approaches have received special interest from the research community because those approaches provide a rich form of communication by means of agents exchanging arguments. Besides a rich form of communication, argumentation also provides an elegant form of nonmonotonic reasoning. Using argumentation, agents are able to reach well-supported conclusions, constructing arguments for and against their mental attitudes. In order to communicate and reason using argumentation, agents need to instantiate arguments from the reasoning patterns (argumentation schemes) available to them. However, there is no general approach to represent argumentation schemes in multi-agent systems. Thus, in this thesis, we investigate how argumentation schemes can be represented in multi-agent systems, and how agents can instantiate those reasoning patterns in order to reason and communicate. Based on such an investigation, we propose a framework for argumentation schemes in multi-agent systems. Furthermore, the additional information exchanged by agents during argumentationbased communication can overburden the communication infrastructure, restricting the practical applications of argumentation techniques. Thus, based on our framework for argumentation schemes in multi-agent systems, we also propose an approach whereby agents are able to exchange shorter messages when engaging in dialogues by omitting information that is common knowledge (e.g., information about a shared multi-agent organisation). In particular, our approach uses the idea of enthymemes as well as referring to shared argumentation schemes and common organisational knowledge to guide argument reconstruction.", publisher = {Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul}, scholl = {Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação}, note = {Escola Politécnica} }