@PHDTHESIS{ 2022:552148578, title = {Phylogenetic systematics of egg-brooding frogs (anura: hemiphractidae)}, year = {2022}, url = "https://tede2.pucrs.br/tede2/handle/tede/11117", abstract = "Egg-brooding frogs (Hemiphractidae) are non-aquatic Neotropical anurans, with 119 described species, grouped in six genera: Cryptobatrachus, Flectonotus, Fritziana, Gastrotheca, Hemiphractus, and Stefania. Females carry eggs on their backs, exposed or inside a pouch, where embryos hatch as tadpoles or froglets. The monophyly of Hemiphractidae have been corroborated by recent studies with broad taxon and character sampling. However, it has also been highlighted the sensitivity of internal relationships to different analytical factors. We study the phylogenetic relationships of Hemiphractidae based on the analysis of molecular and phenotypic data. We test the impact of a phenotypic matrix of 243 characters in the inferred phylogenetic relationships. We present a systematic revision of Hemiphractus including a detailed description of the osteology of all species using computed tomography 3D models, updated taxonomic accounts for all species, and an identification key. We describe three new species of Gastrotheca and two new species of Hemiphractus.", publisher = {Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul}, scholl = {Programa de Pós Graduação em Ecologia e Evolução da Biodiversidade}, note = {Escola de Ciências Saúde e da Vida} }