@PHDTHESIS{ 2018:725672987, title = {How (un)conscious processing of hedonic and utilitarian attributes affect choice and rejection strategy}, year = {2018}, url = "http://tede2.pucrs.br/tede2/handle/tede/9557", abstract = "Consumers face a trade-off between utilitarian and hedonic alternatives due to which decision-making process they engage. It can occur due to fact that they have to decide between alternatives in complex sets, that can be influenced, at the same time, by the way attributes are processed or by the different decision strategies used. The current literature has demonstrated that there are two possible ways of processing this information: consciously and unconsciously. The conscious process best deals with simple information, while unconscious processing better handles with complex information. As a consequence, individuals can decide between a choice or a rejection strategy. In this way, our proposition was to analyze how the (un)conscious processing of hedonic and utilitarian attributes affects the choice and rejection strategy under different levels of complexity in multiattribute decision making. The results suggest that consumers who face a higher level of complexity and benefit from a period of distraction (i.e., unconscious processing) have an advantage, being abler to integrate relevant information to decision making than when deliberating this information (conscious processing), based on Unconscious Thought Theory. To test the proposition, we carried out 3 experimental studies in an online laboratory. The studies demonstrated that how a processed, conscious or unconscious decision can alter results in choice or rejection strategy. At the same time, it had identified that the type of strategy (choice vs. rejection) used can lead to alternatives with different characteristics (hedonic vs. utilitarian - study 1). In addition, it was possible to infer that cognitive constraints make people less likely to engage in conscious processes (study 2). It had also demonstrated a boundary condition when hedonic and utilitarian attributes are unconsciously processed under a complex context (study 1), as well as individuals in this condition may suffer a deviation in their preferences due to the task of distraction characteristics (study 3). When individuals perform a task that consumes a lot of mental energy (study 3), it can affect the ability to complete subsequent tasks. Finally, through a meta-analysis between choice and rejection we have demonstrated that our effects are consistent. Thus, we have contributed to the decision stray and processing mode literature, showing that the type of strategy is influenced not only by the type attributes of the options, but also by the way this information is processed.", publisher = {Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul}, scholl = {Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração e Negócios}, note = {Escola de Negócios} }